A suffolk cross ewe who has shed most of her wool after an acute illness.

Who is MIC?


MIC is a family run business with over 30 years experience in all aspects of equestrian, smallholding, and farming. We have set up a new laboratory dealing in parasite diagnostics.  Our aim is to control the parasite population, slow the rate of resistance to wormers, and save you money! By using forward thinking management practices to improve your livestock in a sustainable way.


Andy Brenchley BSc Hons. R- SQP

Andy is one of our directors here at MIC; He has grown up in Suffolk working almost every role possible on many farms and smallholdings. Whilst studying for his A-levels, Andy started a herd of rare breed, prize winning pigs. He then went on to graduate with honours from Aberystwyth University in 2018 studying Equine and Veterinary Biosciences. After finding an interest in porcine parasitology, Andy completed his dissertation in the diagnosis of Ascaris suum– a worm of great economic importance in the pig industry. After this Andy spent 3 years running a successful herd of cattle and sheep across the Suffolk fields and heathlands. with a new target in his sights Andy and Maria are working towards their new goals…

Andy Brenchley, kneeling with a red poll cross calf in a meadow
Maria Brenchley and sheepdog max the border collie on a walk on a summers day.

Maria Brenchley RAMA RSQP

Maria is one of our directors here at MIC. She has many years experience with livestock starting with a small holding in 1998. Maria has also had over 10 years experience in showing livestock across the country. Although Maria deals with all aspects of farm animals, her true passion is for all things sheep. Having been dubbed as the head nurse on a large-scale sheep flock during their lambing period for the last 16 years has seen almost every ailment a sheep can try and die from!

The most important member of staff:


Kobe is Andy's young sheepdog. They go everywhere together. Kobe spends his time in the office greeting all customers, supervising all the staff ensuring everything runs smoothly.